
Abandon Theme Parks

1. I would like to visit Okpo Land in South Korea because it said that a person died and I would like to take a picture of where the people died at. It also looks very haunted and creepy and who doesn't like a good chill down their spine? I would take pictures of every creepy looking ride in that amusement park. It would most likely be all of the amusement rides in the park since they are so old and rusty.

3. An unusual place I think the photographers would like to visit is an abandon mental hospitals, abandon oorphanages, abandon school buildings, abandon towns and just plain old abandon building.
5. It would be cool to go photograph an abandon mental hospital because taking pictures in really creepy places could be kinda fun because who knows what picture you could get (maybe a ghost in the picture). another reason I would like to go to take pictures there because it a freaking mental hospital! Who knows what you could find in there! Finding some creepy writing on the wall from a creepy patient who lived there would be so....Freaky....But AWESOME!
6. Well I would probably need somebody to come with me to take pictures because I'm to much of a chicken to go by my self. I would also need a camera to take pictures (duh). I would probably face the fact that I could get arrested for trespassing but hopefully I wouldn't get caught. I'm sure it would be expensive to go there, especially that I'm unemployed!

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