
Shortlist warm up

I like this photo because it looks like the pier just stretches out all the way out to the middle of the ocean.
I like this photo because it looks like he's sunken all the way back in an ocean of shoes!
I like this photo because the awkward position of the models body
I like this photo because the way the baby looks lost in between all the tall people.
I like this photo because I like the way you can really see the color of green eyes.
I like this picture because the snake is right next to the little kid and most kids would run away from snakes.
I like this photo because it looks like a garden under the sea.
I like this photo because it looks so unreal
I like this photo because it seems like it belongs in a fairy tale book or fairy tale movie.
I like this photo because it like the way the silhouette of the girl looks

Mural Photo

Portrait Photo


Magazine Cover Introduction:

1) The subject of the photo catches the readers attention
2) That people will actually buy the magazine
3) It will catch peoples attention
4) Make It Interesting
5) Dont judge the photo


Lytro Warm-Up

1.When I clicked on the photo where ever I clicked that part became more focused and the other things in the picture were not in focus.
2. New kind of sensor called a light field sensor.
3.The photographer would have to know in what point of view the photo should be taken in.

Rules of Photography Part II

Rule Of Thirds

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines
(Because one eye has makeup so you notice that before anything else)
(Girl in the background arm is out of the picture)


Self Portrait and Portraits Part II

1)The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact.
2)Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.
3)A great deal of people photography is understanding human nature and being aware of how people usually react in given situations.
I like the setting of both the pictures. It has a very relaxing feel to the photo's.                                 

I like the photo's because they look very cool and unique. And that's the same reason I chose them.


I like these photo's because they are both very nice and It's pictures of just normal people doing normal things. like the girl at a park (I think) and the baby playing with it's reflection.

7) I will be shooting Nancy. We will be shooting in the front of the school since there is different places to take the picture like the small "garden" we have in the front. What I'll do to make the photo successful is I will make sure that the setting on the camera is right and I will use some rules of photography.