
Magazine Covers Part 2 And InDesign Part 1

Most of the early magazine covers didnt have pictures like most magazines today. Then the first cover was a table of contents. When they did use covers they usually looked like covers of books, with more words than pictures. There were no little words on the sides of the magazine cover explaining some things that were in the magazine. Sometimes some magazines had a symbolic cover. The symbol usually meant something to explain what the magazine was a little bit about. Then they started having magazines for women. The cover usually had very well drawn pictures of different roles of women in the family.

This type of magazine cover was more used in  1890s to the 1960s. Many of the pictures look like paintings you would see hanging on someones wall because how good they looked. The poster magazines were bigger then the magazines today. The poster cover had, little or no, little explination of the magazine on the cover.

In the early 1900's they started adding dialogue to there cover art. They were starting to use huge titles with a persons head covering some of it, a model posing with nearly whole body, or words surrounding the model instead of going over the models body.


Happy, Akins, Building

 It is an excellent example of my work because I fixed the photo into looking less bright.
It shows happy since the mask has a creepy smile.
 It is an example of my work because before I photo shopped it, it didn't look like the colors were popping on the photo.
Its a good example of Akins since the mascot of Akins is the Eagle.
It is an excellent example of my work because it shows rule of  thirds.
It shows building since its a building.


Choice Sheets

I am interested into bieng in yearbook. Yearbook always seemed like fun. You get to go to some of the events at school and take pictures of people and get to create memories for them. Yearbook is a way to capture events that some people may not have known about until they saw it on the yearbook.

Welcome Back(:

This is my favorite picture because its funny how tigger from "Winnie The Pooh" is at gun point.
I like this photo because its funny having a child rodeo kind of thing going on.