

1. I was amazed by every photo on the power point.
2. My favorite photo was the one of the elephant in the middle of this forest kind of place. Its my favorite because the elephant seems out of place.
3. a. He uses a Pentax 67II.
    b. He likes to show the animals in the state of being, in the state of being before they are no longer are.
    c. Try to prove that every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live
    d."Why the animals of Africa in particular? And more particularly still, East Africa? There is perhaps something more profoundly iconic, mythical, mythological even, about the animals of East Africa... There is something deeply deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa - the vast green rolling plains punctuated by by the graphically perfect acacia trees." - Nick Brandt.


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