
Shortlist warm up

I like this photo because it looks like the pier just stretches out all the way out to the middle of the ocean.
I like this photo because it looks like he's sunken all the way back in an ocean of shoes!
I like this photo because the awkward position of the models body
I like this photo because the way the baby looks lost in between all the tall people.
I like this photo because I like the way you can really see the color of green eyes.
I like this picture because the snake is right next to the little kid and most kids would run away from snakes.
I like this photo because it looks like a garden under the sea.
I like this photo because it looks so unreal
I like this photo because it seems like it belongs in a fairy tale book or fairy tale movie.
I like this photo because it like the way the silhouette of the girl looks

Mural Photo

Portrait Photo


Magazine Cover Introduction:

1) The subject of the photo catches the readers attention
2) That people will actually buy the magazine
3) It will catch peoples attention
4) Make It Interesting
5) Dont judge the photo


Lytro Warm-Up

1.When I clicked on the photo where ever I clicked that part became more focused and the other things in the picture were not in focus.
2. New kind of sensor called a light field sensor.
3.The photographer would have to know in what point of view the photo should be taken in.

Rules of Photography Part II

Rule Of Thirds

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines
(Because one eye has makeup so you notice that before anything else)
(Girl in the background arm is out of the picture)


Self Portrait and Portraits Part II

1)The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact.
2)Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.
3)A great deal of people photography is understanding human nature and being aware of how people usually react in given situations.
I like the setting of both the pictures. It has a very relaxing feel to the photo's.                                 

I like the photo's because they look very cool and unique. And that's the same reason I chose them.


I like these photo's because they are both very nice and It's pictures of just normal people doing normal things. like the girl at a park (I think) and the baby playing with it's reflection.

7) I will be shooting Nancy. We will be shooting in the front of the school since there is different places to take the picture like the small "garden" we have in the front. What I'll do to make the photo successful is I will make sure that the setting on the camera is right and I will use some rules of photography.


Portraits and Self-Portraits

1) Self-Portraits
 2) Portraits (Professional)
3) What I think makes a good photo is the subject. if the subject of the photo is boring most likely the photo will be boring to. But if you get a good subject that causes a lot of attention (in a good way) then the photo will be fun where ever the place of the photo is.

4) Everything looks better in black and white(:


Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. A)copying over people in a portrait is a terminal offense in most U.S. newspapers, image manipulation has recent legal decisions in the Middle East. People can and have been fired from newspaper because of editing photos.
B)I think its unethical because most of the photos are edited poorly.

A) This is the most unethical picture because if people watched oprah they would know that she is not that slim, they would know that she is more thick then in the picture.

B) This picture isnt that bad because in newsweek they fixed her busted up teeth making her smile seem a little better then her real smile.

Ethics in Fashion Photography

1. They made her neck more longer and more narrow, lowered her eye's down a bit, they made her lips bigger, made her hair look like it has more volume,  made her eye's bigger, made her head smaller, and maybe changed her skin tone.
2. sometimes it depends on what the person is advertising. Make up for example they would like to show her cheek bones so they would make her face smaller to exaggerate her facial structure a little bit also if they were advertising contacts they would make a persons eye's bigger. If a person is advertising a soda (that is being drank by a person) then there is no reason to change the photo of the person because its advertising the soda and not the person.
3. Subjects in a photo should be shown without messing with the whole photo
4.Changing a persons ENTIRE face is not okay, but if some one has a ENORMOUS pimple on the tip of there nose then that's okay to fix.
5. fashion photography changes everything about the picture but photo journalism doesn't change anything.


National Geographic Warm-up


2. I like this photo because it seems like a winter wonderland but there's just a little tree thats still alive. also because its seems that everything has died but that little tree is still standing. also because its a stunning photo because the sky looks the same color as the snow and there's a random little green spot.
3. I would take a photo of an cliff right near the ocean and at the end of that cliff is a light house and the light house is shining towards the camera (It would be night time).

Abandon Theme Parks

1. I would like to visit Okpo Land in South Korea because it said that a person died and I would like to take a picture of where the people died at. It also looks very haunted and creepy and who doesn't like a good chill down their spine? I would take pictures of every creepy looking ride in that amusement park. It would most likely be all of the amusement rides in the park since they are so old and rusty.

3. An unusual place I think the photographers would like to visit is an abandon mental hospitals, abandon oorphanages, abandon school buildings, abandon towns and just plain old abandon building.
5. It would be cool to go photograph an abandon mental hospital because taking pictures in really creepy places could be kinda fun because who knows what picture you could get (maybe a ghost in the picture). another reason I would like to go to take pictures there because it a freaking mental hospital! Who knows what you could find in there! Finding some creepy writing on the wall from a creepy patient who lived there would be so....Freaky....But AWESOME!
6. Well I would probably need somebody to come with me to take pictures because I'm to much of a chicken to go by my self. I would also need a camera to take pictures (duh). I would probably face the fact that I could get arrested for trespassing but hopefully I wouldn't get caught. I'm sure it would be expensive to go there, especially that I'm unemployed!


Ian Fisher an American Soldier

2.a) The most powerful image of  the slide show is the one that has a muscle shirt that says " I LOVE YOU Come Back to me!" and you see the shadow of him on the mirror because it shows that people are waiting for the soldiers in Iraq and want them to come back.

2.b) The most powerful sequence is the one of "coming home" because, it shows that Ian Fisher got home safely.

2.c) It works together by having the pictures separated into chapters, and all the pictures are basically in order from beginning to end.

3.a) The tense the captions are written in are present tense.

3.b) The captions enhance the photos by telling a story to the picture.

Before officially joining the army Ian Fisher will need a haircut before he can continue his training in fort hood.

Ian Fisher makes a call to his family back in the USA to see how they have been missing him and he as well has been missing them while in Iraq.

Ian Fisher takes one last look to his family before getting on a plane to go to Iraq for a whole year.

5.b) A way that videos are better than the photographs is that you actually hear the people in the photos that a caption that other people do.

5.c) A Way that photos are better than videos is that photos can catch one instant moment and can hang it up to show to everybody on a frame.


Cool Video

1. The video was pretty cool. What I would like to see featured is, The excitement of the people in akins at games and pep rallies and things like that. I think one suggestion is to get some more shots of students facial reactions.
In the bottom of the ocean there are two skeletons that are similar to those of the titanic lovers in the movie "Titanic". In the bottom of the ocean there were two skeletons that were similar to those of the titanic lovers in the movie "Titanic"

One of the planes crashed horribly to the right of the plane because the jet of the plane to the right blew up, most likely making the people in the plane a little worried to fly today. One of the planed cashed horribly to the right of a plane because one of the jets of the plane, to the right, had blown up and most likely made the people in the plane a little worried to fly that day.
In New York City they just opened a restroom where all you see is your reflection in the outside but inside the public restroom, you can see everybody else walking around but they cannot see you. In New York City they had opened a restroom where all you see is your own reflection but once inside the public restroom, you can see everybody else walking around but they cannot see you.



1. acedemic?
2.Regular Cameras.
3.Somewhere where EVERYBODY  on campus gets a chance to see it.


1.Some cameras have an auto exposure bracketing (AEB) feature with a far greater dynamic range than others.
3.yes,  outside
4.I chose this picture because it looks cool looking. It has balance because it looks likes there's two of everything because of the reflection in the water.


Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1. what caught my attention for this photographer is that she took pictures of new york and i love new york city.
 1st PHOTO
I see....an alley full of junk, and alley cats
I smell..... Trash and gas
I hear....cars beeping, people yelling, peoples footsteps running.
I taste.....The trash and gas because how strong the odor is xP
I feel.....The cold wind hitting my face (if its winter over there)
I see....A guy walking out of the barber
I smell......The guys hair products (Maybe after shave if they shaved his beard)
I hear.....cars beeping, people yelling, peoples footsteps running.
I taste.....The cold air?
I feel.....The cold wind hitting my face (if its winter over there)

3. I would create a power point.


photo taken at ISO 200
photo taken at ISO 6400
1.The advantages is that the picture wont be all grainy and you will catch that one awesome moment from the game.
2.When there is plenty of light, you should always use the lowest ISO.
3. Increase the ISO when there is not enough light 
4. 3200
1.I learned (but kinda forgot while taking the photos) that the light meter at the bottom of the screen of the camera,  if the the little arrow is aligned to the "shield" shape thing that the photo will come out better.
2. when the arrow is at positive 2 its gonna be to bright. and if it is at negative 2 it is going to be to dark.
3.You can tell the difference in ISO because the lower it is the less light it lets in and the less grainy it is(better with places with a lot of light) and high ISO is all grainy (Better with places with low light)
4. The lower the ISO number, the less sensitive it is to the light. A higher ISO number increases the sensitivity of the camera.
5. The lower the focus the lower the number for the F stop went.
6. ISO was 800, Shutter speed was 1/1000, F-stop was 8.0, Zoomed all the way out for length, Zoomed out for focal length, Lighting is Sunny.
7. What I need to focus on next time we go to shoot is shutter speed to get the right lighting.



photo taken with high shutter speed

Photo taken with slow shutter speed

1.a) high speed
   b) high speed
   c) high speed
   d) high speed
   e) high speed
   f)  high speed
   a) slow speed
   b) slow speed
   c) slow speed
   d) slow speed
   e) slow speed
   f)  slow speed

2.“Aperture Priority” mode- Your supposed to put the lens aperture manually, and the camera automatically sets the shutter speed.
   “Shutter Priority” mode- Its vise-verse from aperture priority. Instead you set the camera shutter speed and the camera will automatically set the aperture of the lens
   “Manual” mode- You put both the shutter speed and the aperture of the lens by your self (manually).

3.BULB or 30"-1/4000


aperture setting F2.8

photo taken at F16

1. The eye pupil.
2. The bigger the lense, The smaller the lense
3. It only shows the subject that is sharp focused., everything behind and infront of the subject that is sharped focused is blury.



1. I was amazed by every photo on the power point.
2. My favorite photo was the one of the elephant in the middle of this forest kind of place. Its my favorite because the elephant seems out of place.
3. a. He uses a Pentax 67II.
    b. He likes to show the animals in the state of being, in the state of being before they are no longer are.
    c. Try to prove that every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live
    d."Why the animals of Africa in particular? And more particularly still, East Africa? There is perhaps something more profoundly iconic, mythical, mythological even, about the animals of East Africa... There is something deeply deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa - the vast green rolling plains punctuated by by the graphically perfect acacia trees." - Nick Brandt.
