Who: Angry civilian
What: Threatening to set a government building on fire
Where: Iran
When: Thursday
Why: Raising taxes for a war
How: Waving a lit torch and getting ready to throw it at a riot
HEADLINE: A simple protest to a raging riot
ACTUAL CAPTION: an angry civilian is threatening to throw a lit torch at a government building with people inside. On April 4th the government decided to raise tax for a new war with Israel that made many civilians angry enough to start a riot.
PHOTO 1: The first photo is using viewpoint. I know this since this photo captures the objects going to the sky while still paying attention to the people letting them go to the sky instead of the objects in the sky or the people getting them ready to be let go.
PHOTO 3: The photo has leading lines and creates depth. I know the photo is creating depth since the photo captures the other hills in the back getting smaller which makes the hills look like they are so far away from the camera. I know this photo has leading lines also since the car tracks on the ground lead up to the hills in the way beyond.
PHOTO 4: The photo has rule of thirds, viewpoint, and creating depth. I know the photo has rule of thirds since the two pieces of the boats are on different corners and sides of the screen and not right in the middle. I know it has viewpoint because if the photographer didnt choose this view poing he would of gotten other boats floating in the background instead of the other piece of the possibly broken ship. I also know it creates depth since the other piece of the ship looks like its far off and floating away and the seas that never end.
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