
Interview Q&A's

  • Whats your name?
  • How old are you?
  • What grade are you in?
  • How did you find out that you were the student of the month?
  • Are you making good grades in all of your classes?
  • Do you help your teachers?
  • Do you go to tutoring often?
  • Do teachers congratulate you on your success of being the student of the month? what do they say?
  • Do students/friends congratulate you on your success of being the student of the month? What do they say?
  • Do you do community service?
  • What activities do you do after school?
  • Are you in any sport here at Akins? If yes are you very good at it, if not what sports would you like to be in and why?
  • Are you proud of being student of the month
  • What did you have to do to become student of the month?
  • How did you react to being the student of the month?
  • How did your family react when you told them that you were student of the month?
  • Did you get a prize when you were chosen as the student of the month? If yes what was the prize? if no do you think you deserve a prize?
  • Who would you choose to be the next student of the month (other than you)? why?
  • Do you think that someone else deserves the student of the month prize? If so who and why?
  • How do you think this month will be?
  • Are you gonna try to be next months student of the month?

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